Estainium: Tracking CO2 with IoT


Siemens DI (Digital Industries) presents its next major technological solution. With Estainium, the German market leader for automation technology wants to offer manufacturers and suppliers the possibility to reduce their CO2 emissions.

CO2 producers as part of the solution

Contrary to many assumptions, most companies are well aware of their part in the climate crisis. According to studies, 70 to 90 percent of the CO2 emitted in the production of goods comes from upstream supplier supply chains. With this knowledge, companies are also increasingly willing to find ways out of the crisis. That’s why many already measure their CO2 footprint themselves and are also constantly trying to reduce it.

CO2 tracking ineffective so far

Tracking CO2 data to date currently ties up a lot of time and resources in most cases. Obtaining valid values often means searching databases and having studies carried out by external service providers. This is made more difficult by the fact that such surveys often require total disclosure of operational information. This is a state of affairs that few participants in competitive markets are likely to like.

Estainium: IoT blockchain evolution

Siemens wants to help resolve this imbroglio with its Estainium innovation. The decentralized solution, based on blockchain technology, offers producers and suppliers a platform that they can use to jointly monitor their CO2 emissions. Here, both parties can post their generated values without having to hand over company secrets to external third parties. The necessary data protection and verification of the information provided is guaranteed by proprietary ledger technology.

Siemens SiGreen software supports this exchange so that complete CO2 insights of individual product components can be developed in a timely manner. As a first step, these will then be made more efficient, minimizing resource consumption. Ultimately, however, the company’s declared goal is a new industry that is as climate-neutral as possible.

Wirepas Massive: Estainium enabler?

The Finnish company Wirepas could become a key to Estainium’s success in this regard. Its core business, infrastructure-free sensor network enablement, is able to deliver the authenticated, fast and reliable data needed for the Siemens platform. Its more than 160 partners bring low-infrastructure sensor networks with a high degree of scalability to the field in a wide variety of fields. In this way, they enable the cost-efficient operation of real-time applications. Additional applications can be integrated into the already existing ecosystem at any time and without major effort. Users are also put in a comfortable position with Wirepas mesh networks to maintain their operational autonomy. All generated data is transferred promptly to on-premises clouds or local storage, so that only clients retain full control over their own operational internals.


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