Successful deployment of BEEHIVE drone system in France and Germany


In 2023, Security Robotics started the year with an exciting deployment in France, where they conducted extensive testing of the BEEHIVE drone system, showcasing its excellent flight capabilities. With special permits, they were able to use the drone system not only in France but also near a major German airport. This opens up the opportunity for Security Robotics to utilize BEEHIVE as part of a comprehensive security solution until 2025.

Security Robotics partners with XPRIZE Foundation for rainforest analysis in Singapore

Our participation in the XPRIZE Foundation competition in Singapore was a remarkable experience. Collaborating with the Alouatta Team and their walking robot, SPOT, we focused on analyzing and investigating rainforests. Thanks to the advanced technology of the DLR OS, specifically the Integrated Positioning System (IPS), we were able to accurately capture acoustic and visual sensor data, enabling us to automatically detect changes in the flora and fauna.

The Tri5G Project: A Versatile Mobile Platform for Research

The Tri5G project in the northern region of Leipzig demonstrated the versatility of utilizing a mobile platform for research projects. As a partner of the ICAAS at the University of Leipzig, we provided a SPOT system and gained valuable insights for future software and hardware updates.

DVV-Konzern partners with Security Robotics for advanced patrolling systems

The DVV Group in Duisburg relies on state-of-the-art patrol systems to protect its operating sites and energy generation. Through our collaboration with the DVV Group, we were able to integrate the ARGUS system and provide all technological services. The project was a great success, and the ARGUS robot is highly valued and supported by the on-site employees.

Successful Implementation of Proof-of-Concepts and Deployments in 2023

In 2023, the company successfully conducted multiple Proof-of-Concepts and deployments with renowned automotive suppliers, manufacturers, logistics companies, and transportation firms. Collaborations with security service providers and DB-Sicherheit also led to the development of new projects and innovative solutions. Our expertise in the field of security robotics allowed us to address the unique needs and challenges of these industries, ensuring enhanced safety and efficiency in their operations.

Strong partnerships drive innovation and customized solutions for clients

Our close collaboration with technology partners, research companies, and training providers allows us to drive our vision forward and develop customized solutions for our customers. This synergy enables us to constantly enhance our services and introduce new features at a faster pace, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the industry.

Security Robotics Academy offers practical AI and Robotics training

The Security Robotics Academy provides practical training for AI and Robotics. In 2023, we successfully conducted Level 1 – Consultant and Level 2 – User training sessions. These trainings allow participants to familiarize themselves with robot technology and utilize it as valued colleagues in their everyday work. In 2024, we will be offering additional training sessions.

ACUDA: The Central Platform for Connecting IoT Devices and Robotics

Our central platform ACUDA enables the connection of IoT devices and robotic solutions. By integrating ACUDA into control center systems and developing the IoT injector NUCRON, we can establish extensive security networks and query the status and data of devices.

Expanding our Robotics Portfolio: New Models for Sale and Rental

In 2023, we experienced a significant increase in sales and rentals of our new robotics models. With our wide range of products, we are able to provide the ideal model for each customer, thanks to our adaptable sensor and camera systems. We prioritize the safety and effectiveness of our technology by conducting thorough tests on our dedicated testing grounds. This ensures that our security technology is fully prepared for deployment.

Successful Participation in Numerous Events: Showcasing Robotics, AI, and Security Technology

In 2023, we actively participated in numerous conferences, trade shows, and events, showcasing our solutions and demonstrating the synergy between robotics, AI, and security technology. Our presence allowed us to highlight the added value our products bring to our customers, emphasizing the benefits of incorporating our technologies into their operations. By engaging with industry professionals and potential clients, we were able to build stronger relationships and gain valuable insights into market trends and customer needs.

Security Robotics Innovation Days 2023: Focusing on Solutions and Customer Value

Our Security Robotics Innovation Days, held for the fourth time in 2023, provided a platform for showcasing not just products, but solutions that deliver added value to our customers. The emphasis was on practical applications and individual conversations, allowing attendees to experience firsthand the benefits our technology can bring.

A Successful Year of Growth and Collaboration for Security Robotics in 2023

In 2023, Security Robotics had a highly successful year, marked by the accumulation of valuable experiences, the successful implementation of new projects, and the strengthening of partnerships and customer relationships. As we look forward to the challenges that 2024 will bring, we remain confident in our ability to continue providing enhanced security solutions and ensuring the safety of our clients.

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