CIIT and St. Mary’s parish bring “Smart City Lemgo” to life


To emphasise the connection between the city and the campus, the Centrum Industrial IT (CIIT) in cooperation with Fraunhofer IOSB-INA and the parish of St. Marien is planning a new city tour entitled “Smart City Lemgo”. The tour builds on the previous tours “Old and New Work in Lemgo” and “Tradition and Future Food”. According to a press release from the organisers, the starting point for the tour is at 4.30 p.m. on Friday, 5 May, at Fraunhofer IOSB-INA in Campusallee 1.

Professor Jürgen Jasperneite, Director of Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Professor of TH OWL and Chairman of the Board of CIIT e.V., will accompany the participants on an informative walk through the “Smart City Lemgo”, where traffic counting and noise level measurement will be addressed

Die Führung durch die “Smart City Lemgo” wird von Professor Jürgen Jasperneite geleitet. Als Direktor des Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Professor an der TH OWL und Vorstandsvorsitzender des CIIT e.V. verfügt er über umfangreiches Wissen zu innovativen städtischen Lösungen. Entlang der Campusallee, Bunsenstraße, Wall und Bruchweg führt er die Teilnehmer durch die Innenstadt, während er Informationen zur Verkehrszählung und Lärmpegelmessung in der “Smart City Lemgo” präsentiert.

At around 6 pm, the group will reach St. Mary’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. Meanwhile, Professor Jasperneite will give an informative presentation about the moisture sensors on the Swallow’s Nest organ, while Cantor Volker Jänig will share more details about the Renaissance instrument before letting the organ sound. After the prelude, there will be an opportunity for participants in the tour to get to know the organ up close, as the invitation states.

Newly created connection allows easier access from city to campus

In cooperation with our CIIT partner Fraunhofer IOSB-INA and the parish of St. Marien, we are creating a link between the city and the campus by combining the history of the city with current developments,” invites Anja Moldehn, member of the CIIT management, to a guided tour. At the end of the event, the Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Marienkantorei Lemgo will offer drinks in the church of St. Marien, and there will be an opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss with the initiators.

Participation in the guided tour is free of charge, but we welcome donations for the Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Marien-Kantorei Lemgo. In addition, the parking spaces at the institute are available to visitors.

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