Infomaniak’s Trusted AI: Secure Data Control and Customizability


Infomaniak, a leading hosting provider in Europe, offers a trustworthy generative AI that provides guaranteed data control for companies processing sensitive information. Hosted in the heart of Europe and available as an API for developers, this innovative AI enables the modeling, classification, and analysis of complex data, as well as the generation of complex texts, translations, and much more.

Infomaniak’s AI offers secure and customizable data processing

The AI offered by Infomaniak is based on the open-source technology Mixtral 8x7B, which allows engineers from around the world to review its algorithm and functionality. This transparency enables specific customizations and limitations on the AI’s use for malicious actions. Infomaniak does not store processed data and solely utilizes it for the customers’ purposes. By hosting the AI exclusively in Switzerland, Infomaniak ensures comprehensive data control and compliance with Swiss and EU regulations.

Powerful Multilingual AI for Seamless Integration and Versatile Applications

The AI provided by Infomaniak is highly powerful and capable of processing texts in multiple languages, including French, German, Spanish, Italian, and English. Developers can easily integrate the AI into the working environments of businesses and utilize it for a variety of tasks, such as creating virtual assistants, answering questions, summarizing and classifying texts, generating content, and much more.

Infomaniak’s Sustainable Practices: Renewable Energy Powers Data Centers and Reduces KI’s Power Consumption

Infomaniak’s commitment to sustainable business practices is evident in their use of renewable energy to power their data centers. By relying exclusively on renewable energy sources, they are able to significantly improve their energy efficiency indicator (PUE) and reduce the power consumption of their AI systems. In fact, Infomaniak’s new data center goes a step further by fully recycling the energy it consumes, providing heat to thousands of households. This environmentally-friendly approach demonstrates Infomaniak’s dedication to minimizing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable technology solutions.

Infomaniak’s AI Service: Affordable Pricing and Free Trial Tokens

The AI service provided by Infomaniak offers an extremely affordable pricing structure. Users only pay for what they actually consume, and the rates are significantly cheaper compared to other providers. During the introduction, customers even receive 1 million free tokens to extensively test the service.

Infomaniak: Providing the Best Free AI Technology and Continuous Development

Infomaniak is committed to providing the best open-source AI technology and continuously improving its service. The AI has already been successfully implemented in various applications such as the mail service and the instant messaging service kChat. In the future, users will even be able to integrate the AI with their own data and receive personalized responses. The company’s dedication to innovation ensures that customers have access to the latest advancements in AI technology, enhancing their overall experience and capabilities.

Infomaniak’s AI service provides businesses with a multitude of benefits, such as trustworthiness, control, performance, environmental friendliness, and attractive pricing. With this innovative AI, companies can efficiently process their data, automate complex tasks, and develop personalized solutions. Infomaniak’s approach emphasizes the use of open technologies and sustainable practices to ensure a secure and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence.

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