omlox Prüflabor at Fraunhofer Institute Accredited as Global Milestone


The accreditation of the world’s first omlox testing laboratory at the Fraunhofer Institute in Lemgo in November 2023 represents a significant milestone in the technological advancement of the standard. omlox enables the provision of localization information in production environments, independent of technology and manufacturer. By incorporating various localization technologies such as Ultrawideband (UWB), 5G, RFID, QR codes, and GPS, omlox allows companies to collaborate within a unified system with standardized interfaces. The accreditation by the PROFIBUS User Organization confirms that Lemgo meets all technical and organizational requirements and possesses the necessary expertise to verify the conformity of omlox components to the standard.

omlox: The Key Benefits and Applications in Industry and Logistics

omlox revolutionizes the way companies track and manage their resources in industrial and logistical settings. By providing a technology- and manufacturer-independent solution, omlox enables the seamless tracking of products, tools, orders, vehicles, and even personnel. This transparency along the entire value chain enhances inventory management, improves process efficiency, and ensures the safety of employees, all while adhering to data protection regulations.

  1. omlox enables the tracking of various assets, including products, tools, orders, vehicles, and even individuals, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. This technology promotes transparency throughout the entire value chain, streamlines inventory management, and enhances employee safety. With omlox, organizations can easily monitor both static and dynamic resources, facilitating efficient operations and optimizing security measures
  2. omlox integration in production and logistics processes enables efficient automatic booking and documentation of process progress. This eliminates paper waste and costs while providing real-time insights into process advancements. Companies can streamline their operations, track progress accurately, and make informed decisions for improved productivity and cost savings
  3. omlox enables precise machine control and effective maintenance in industrial environments by consolidating position data through the omlox Hub. This optimization of production processes minimizes downtime and increases overall efficiency
  4. omlox is a key player in implementing autonomous transport solutions in the era of Industry 4.0. By providing precise localization and coordination of vehicles and robots, omlox enables seamless integration into intra-company logistics. This results in optimized material flows, reduced resource consumption, and overall more efficient production processes
  5. The omlox standard places a strong emphasis on safety-critical applications, particularly in the field of lone worker protection in the process industry. By accurately localizing employees, companies can quickly respond to potential hazards and enhance the safety of the work environment

The certification of omlox components ensures a high level of system quality and usability for users. The globally first testing laboratory at the Fraunhofer Institute in Lemgo examines and confirms the conformity of the components to obtain an omlox certification. This rigorous testing process guarantees that omlox-compliant components meet the required standards and can be relied upon for accurate and reliable localization information in industrial environments.

In addition to its accreditation tasks, the Fraunhofer Institute in Lemgo actively conducts research in the field of localization and is involved in the further development of the omlox standard. One of the new approaches being explored is the implementation of applications with functional safety, ensuring a high level of security in the localization process. Another area of research is the localization of individuals and assets using video systems and sensor mats, which opens up possibilities for more precise tracking and monitoring in industrial environments.

The omlox partner network, consisting of companies such as Trumpf, Flowcate, SynchronicIT, AWS, T-Systems, Sick AG, Pepperl+Fuchs, and Siemens AG, is actively driving the development and dissemination of the standard. The Fraunhofer Institute in Lemgo is pleased with the partnership and sees it as a contribution to strengthening the technology sites in Germany and Europe.

The scientists at Fraunhofer Institute are thrilled by the accreditation and the upcoming tasks. They firmly believe that omlox is the long-awaited standard for localization in the industrial context and are eager to contribute to its successful market penetration. Research at Fraunhofer focuses on advancing the standard, testing components and systems, and exploring new testing and interface concepts to unlock the treasure of efficiency gains in production.

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