TeleTrusT Releases Guide to Secure Private 5G Networks


An important step has been taken to ensure the security of 5G campus networks. The Federal Association for IT Security (TeleTrusT) has released a guideline that aims to assist companies, institutions, and organizations in securing their private 5G networks. The guideline is primarily targeted towards IT managers and administrators and provides a comprehensive overview of operational models, deployment scenarios, and threat scenarios.

5G: The Key Technology for the Next Decade

The 5G mobile network standard is considered a key technology for the next decade, providing the foundation for the digitalization of government, economy, and society. Its capabilities enable the control of autonomous transportation systems, the networking of IoT devices in building automation, and real-time monitoring of machines and robots. Furthermore, 5G is already being utilized in the fields of medicine and agriculture.

Public 5G Networks Secured by Regulation, Private Networks Require Operator Responsibility

Public 5G networks in Germany are regulated to ensure security, but the responsibility for securing private 5G networks lies with the operators. To mitigate potential threats, appropriate IT security measures must be implemented, including strong authentication and encryption methods, regular monitoring of network traffic, network segmentation, and frequent security updates.

TeleTrusT releases guidelines for securing private 5G networks

The recently published guideline by the Federal Association for IT Security (TeleTrusT) aims to assist companies, institutions, and organizations in securing their private 5G networks. In addition to providing an overview of operational models, deployment scenarios, and threat scenarios, the guideline also includes a questionnaire that should be considered when establishing and operating a 5G campus network. This enables potential IT security concerns to be addressed and resolved even before engaging with vendors for procurement.

TeleTrusT and BSI support the development of 5G network security guidelines

The TeleTrusT-AG “Smart Grids/Industrial Security” has developed a guidebook with the support of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Sebastian Fritsch from secuvera GmbH, who coordinated the development, emphasizes the importance of the guidebook for new 5G network operators: “The guidebook provides a practical questionnaire to discuss IT security with providers, in addition to functional aspects.” Uwe Hoppenz, department head of SZ3 (Cybersecurity in Mobile Infrastructures and Chip Technology) at the BSI, sees the guidebook as a tool to ensure the IT security of private 5G networks from the planning to the operational phase.

TeleTrusT Releases Guide to Ensure Security of Private 5G Networks

The guideline published by the German Association for IT Security (TeleTrusT) represents a significant step towards ensuring the cybersecurity of private 5G networks. By implementing appropriate security measures, potential threats can be mitigated, allowing for the full utilization of the benefits offered by 5G campus networks. The guideline serves as a valuable resource for companies, institutions, and organizations, providing them with guidance and enabling them to discuss IT security with vendors even before procurement. By implementing the recommended measures, the security of private 5G networks can be guaranteed throughout the planning and operational phases.

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