The ambitious goal is to develop an IoT platform for building technology that is open to numerous components. That is why the leading companies BEGA, Eltako, Oventrop and Viessmann have come together to form the joint venture DBT. This abbreviation stands for Digital Building Technology. This has given rise to the new Wibutler platform. The question, however, is whether the techology from this joint venture will actually establish itself as a promising standard in the smart home sector.
What advantages does Wibutler offer?
The newly created platform Wibutler has been developed especially for the areas of Professional Smart Home as well as for Professional Smart Building. The core competencies of the Wibutler platform include data sovereignty as well as data autonomy. But functional autonomy is and remains a decisive criterion as well. The most important aspect, however, is manufacturer openness. This ensures that no company can dictate a new standard from the outside.
This gives all companies involved in the field of IoT in connection with smart building and smart home an enormous degree of security. Every company can therefore carry out long-term planning and no longer needs to fear that the IoT standard will change without further ado and the components will no longer be compatible. This would be fatal, especially for SMEs. Wibutler therefore offers very good planning security, so to speak, for every company in this industry.
Benefits for all involved
The platform does not only offer advantages to companies that want to expand in the field of digital building technology. Installers also benefit when all components use a uniform standard. The professionals then only need to deal with a single technology. In addition, they do not need to develop solutions to possibly combine different systems. This makes the work easier and saves costs for builders.
Builders also benefit when a standard such as the Wibutler IoT platform becomes established. If they decide to expand digitization in the buildings later on, owners will no longer have to worry about having to replace the entire technology. Due to the uniform standard, there will be no more problems regarding compatibility.

Mit ihren Unterschriften besiegeln die Vertreter von BEGA, Eltako, Oventrop und Viessmann die Gründung des Joint Ventures DBT Digital Building Technology. ( Viessmann )

With their signatures, the representatives of BEGA, Eltako, Oventrop and Viessmann seal the foundation of the joint venture DBT Digital Building Technology. ( Viessmann )
Welche Vorteile bietet das Joint Venture?
Bis vor Kurzem besaß Viessmann die Rechte der Wibutler Technology. Jetzt sind es nur noch 25 Prozent, weil die Anteile an alle vier Teilnehmer zu gleichen Teilen aufgeteilt wurden. Im Gegenzug verpflichten sich jedoch die beteiligten Unternehmen dazu, die Technik kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln. Dadurch soll eine Stagnation verhindert werden, die andere Anbieter dazu animieren könnte, in die Bresche zu springen. The painstakingly developed technology should remain in the hands of the owners to ensure progress.
The newly founded joint venture DBT, which is precisely called Digital Building Technology GmbH & Co. KG, forms a standard for building technology in Europe with the IoT technology Wibutler. Due to its advanced technology, it is seen as a PaaS (Platform as a Sercive).
It is intended to provide SMEs with the data sovereignty as well as functional autonomy that is absolutely needed. Since foreign groups have firmly established themselves in the field of digitization in many other areas, the operators of Wibutler want to ensure that at least the digitization of building technology remains in European hands.